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School Dress

School Dress

The school has a School Uniform. The School Uniform is compulsory on all class days. The students should come to the school with clean and complete uniform. In case of incomplete uniform the student can be sent back home. The following dress code has to be followed by the students.


Boy - White shirt, Grey Pant, Grey socks and black shoes.
Girls - White shirt, Grey skirt/tunic, Grey Socks and black shoes. OR
Grey Jamper, White Salwar, White dupatta, Grey socks and black shoes.


Boy - White shirt, White Pant, White socks and White P.T. shoes.
Girls -White shirt, White skirt/tunic, White Socks White P.T. shoes. OR
White Salwar, White Jamper, White dupatta, White socks and White P.T. shoes.


Boy - Dress code with V-neck, Grey Pullover.
Girls - Dress code with V-neck Grey Pullover.
Girls can put on trousers but of Grey colour only.
Grey colour Scarf, Cap, Muffler in care of chill-winter.