Prospectus and Registration Forms for admission to the school can be obtained from the school office on cash payment.
It should be dully filled and submitted, With the required documents as mentioned in the form, by stipulated date. & certificates
The registered candidates will be called for an admission test/interview.
Registration fee is not refundable and registration is no guarantee for admission.
Admission is on the basis of written test and an interview focusing chiefly on language, mathematics and science.
Overall growth, observation, self reliance are the main consideration for admission.
Admission will be made strictly on the basis of merit.
Requirements at the time of admission;
A birth certificate from the competent authority.
Transfer certificates & Xerox of Marksheet obtained form the previous school and
Four passport size color photograph.
Fee has to be deposited within 7 days of selection, failing which the seat will be allotted to the next wait-listed candidate.
A month's notice must be given in writing before the child is withdrawn. Otherwise the security money shall not be refunded.
No transfer certificate will be issued until all fees & dues of school are paid.
Transfer certificate will be issued after one week of receipt of application.
Caution money will be returned on the withdrawal of student from the school and caution money receipt will have to be produced at time of taking the refund.
School authorities may ask, without prior notice to the parents, to withdraw the child from the school on any of the following grounds;
Academic - Constant neglect of the studies of those who fail in the same class for two consecutive session.
Disciplinary - Those students whose conduct in the opinion of the Principal is harmful to the interest of the school.